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Thursday, May 5, 2011

We Are Back!!!

Salam and Hi to All,

We are apology of inactive post to our blog. Since we are very busy with our jobs at our company, we are not able to update this blog and have to cancel few jobs offered to us previously. Now, we are taking one of editing job from Senai for story book, we will do some photoshoot for this and we have another business activity done by our lovely sister, her blog Choconobiecute will be published soon, she will sell her own home-made chocolate with some fancy design and the taste is good, we promise you! Later I will link this blog to her blog so everybody can see and order if you interested.

Back to photography, we will back but we are very sorry that we need to limit our activities due to our profession in other field need a lot of attention as well. But for the love of photograpgy, I will grab back my camera and everybody can enjoy the picture.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Cat...namely Toi

Banjir di Johor

Salam Semua,

Dalam perjalanan ke Johor Bahru dari menghantar teman di Kulai, saya melalui Jalan Skudai dan kemudian ternampak kawasan tertentu mula dinaiki air. Saya sempat memberhentikan kenderaan dan mengambil beberapa keping gambar untuk tatapan bersama. Semoga mereka yang mengalami banjir diberikan bantuan segera. Saya nampak pegawai-pegawai polis sudah mula bersedia, mungkin mereka bersedia untuk memindahkan penduduk jika keadaan semakin buruk. 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Rabbit Exhibition and Sale at IOI Mall, Kulai, Johore

Salam and Afternoon to All,

Please feel free to visit us at IOI Mall, Kulai, Johore for Rabbit Exhibition and Sale along this January 2011. In conjunction of Rabbit Year of Lunar Calender, it would be interesting to get rabbits. Just come and see by your own eyes.